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In this video, I talk about an event that is happening in beautiful Bali, Indonesia. Back in 2013, I started this podcast on the side to interview my heroes in the app space. We started building up an audience and these folks started coming to me for app marketing help. It grew and I ended leaving my corporate job.

What you don’t know though is that during the time of the podcast, I joined a Mastermind and was part of the first 50 of that group – John Lee Dumas’ EOF. As a founder, you go through so much self-doubt and this community was what gave me the confidence and the courage to leave my corporate job and move forward. I met so many wonderful people there who I still meet up until today and have also decided to start my own Mastermind called AppMasters Elite. This is a group of about 70 people who keep in touch and keeps each other motivated.

Everytime someone is in town, I would end up doing in-person Mastermind sessions and these have been phenomenal. This made me ponder if this can be translated into a bigger event and indeed it has as we were already able to do three…and this June, it’ll be Bali!We will get to know each other; will have Mastermind round tables where we will share what we are working on and get feedback on them; do one-on-one speed networking; and will have happy hours…wohooo!

I hope to see you there!

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