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Following The App Empire Book to Build His App Business with Brian Ma

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Brian Ma

Brian Ma


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About the Episode

Today’s guest tells us how he followed the App Empire book to successfully build his app business. Also, listen to how he overcame internal doubts through mediation.

Brian Ma is an indie app developer.

Show Notes

Implementing App Empire Towards A Successful App Business

Brian created an app portfolio that now provides a passive income for him that allows him to live comfortably. He started out building and improving on existing apps and continued on to reskinning. The impetus that gave Brian the confidence to stick to his guns when even friends had doubts of his success was the book, App Empire.

On the advice of App Empire, Brian checked out the charts every morning to see what was trending or what was hot. To avoid spreading himself too thin, Brian chose a category that he likes and at the same time was also showing some demand. For example, in his case, he chose the Entertainment Category because he had always been fascinated by everything Hollywood. Then he searched the Web for apps or games that were popular and applicable to this category. Thus, Crush Picker was born. It was an app version of a popular game called “Who would you rather?” and up to this day it is still making money for Brian.

Brian eventually moved on to reskinning and created quite a portfolio of apps. At this point, he experimented on how to get the apps to give him maximum yield. He did this by testing with paid downloads, putting ads, removing ads, having a niche, etc. The philosophy here is to find the best mix that can give a developer the most revenue.

Overcoming Self-Doubts Through Meditation

Even just for 20 minutes a day, try to have some quiet time and meditate. Just push all the thoughts aside and concentrate on breathing. Focus and find your center by simply breathing. This will provide serenity and eventually provide the inner strength to press on with any endeavor.

Declaration of the day:

“I only work on apps I love, my heart knows it, that is it. “

Show Mentions

Book: App Empire

Fav apps: Hearts: (Google Play)

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