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Today’s guest is the Co-Founder of jobpal, a recruitment chatbot that helps companies attract better talent and automate their recruiting funnel. You will discover how understanding their customers’ pain points lead to those crucial early sales, his strategy to closing deals with big companies and a great tip about how he brings his best customers to big events as testimonials and as a customer appreciation tool.

Christoph Gueldenberg is the Co-Founder at Jobpal.

Show Notes

How Understanding Customers’ Pain Points Lead To Early Sales

You’ve got to understand your customers’ pain points and help them find a solution to that particular problem. For instance, for recruiters, the pain points may include time-consuming tasks that create no value. Initially, Chris had a difficult start with chatbots because the people didn’t understand its concept.

You have to explain it to them and open their eyes a little bit until they get you. They have to see how your product will be helping them address a certain problem. Today, chatbots have been quite active, even Facebook support it on Messenger.

How to Close Deals with Big Companies

Closing a deal in an enterprise can be challenging because the sale cycles can go on a bit longer than you expect. It’s best if you find the right people and connect with them. If they see your work or heard about you somewhere, that would help because in that way, you’ll ring a bell and you can establish a kind of branding for them.

It’s also highly recommended that you offer face-to-face meetings because this helps in building relationships. In addition, it’s also likely that you will get to see the senior people there. They’ll get to know you and you might be able to start a project with them.

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