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455: How to land an app publisher with Simon Crack

455: How to land an app publisher

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About the Episode

Today’s guest has hit the top 10 with a few of his apps using well known app publishers and he shares his outreach strategy along with things you need to have in place before doing your outreach. Also, listen to the key mistake that most app creators make when using Buildbox.

Simon Crack is Managing Director at DeadCoolApps.

Show Notes

Outreach Strategies 

Three different ways Simon use to seek out different publishers are:

  • Google – search different app publishers to get their contact infos and just send them a message.
  • Forums- – post your new game and publishers scanning those forums will contact you.
  • Going through Featured games or Top Charts and downloading those games. Upon booting them up, you will get a logos of the publisher and the developer and reach out to them that way.

Key Mistake When Using Buildbox

Not thinking outside the box is one of the mistakes that people make when using Buildbox. They just grab a template and put the graphics in, which is basically just reskinning. You wouldn’t want to pitch a publisher a reskinned template of a game so as much as possible, break out and do something a little bit different. Not everything works but have courage to be unique when coming up with your games.

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