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Coming up is a very good friend of mine Gonzalo Juarez.


You’ve heard me talk about connections, a ton and Gonzalo was a guy I met on a webinar that I was hosting back in 2014 and since then we’ve been almost every WWDC together and we’ve come really good friends helping each other out in the app business.

You’ll learn how he created this with this brother, the difficulties that come with having a business with your sibling and a lot about death – I talk a lot about death in this. How you grew up and what it really means to be an entrepreneur and his move from Argentina to the Bay Area.

So stay tuned.

Gonzalo Juarez is the Co-Founder of eTips.

Show Notes

Gonzalo’s business ventures before ETIPS

Gonzalo co-founded ETIPS with his brother. They started doing small books for Nokia. A month after iPhone came up in the market they decided to create travel guides apps because they both love to travel. They started with one city – Paris. Gonzalo wrote the content for their first guide. They added filters in the photo and allows users to organize it by itineraries. It was a paid app and the profit was huge.

While others believe that one can’t mix family and business, Gonzalo loves working with his clan. At one point, he asked his mom, dad and wife to write content for him. He admitted that working with a family member is challenging, but they are loyal and they trust each other. Although his brother is his partner, they haven’t worked in the same place because they are living in different countries. But that’s about to change as his brother is relocating to Silicon Valley and whenever they are together they get things done.

Getting to know Gonzalo more

Gonzalo was very game to answer some of the surprising questions about him. He admitted that he is not good in dancing. He found it funny that his wife used to tell him that he was good when he knew that he was not but after years of marriage she finally told him that he was bad at dancing. His wife provided answers to the questions and while they had different responses, there was one question he got right. Gonzalo and his wife believed that his biggest fear is losing them – his family.

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