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Evanced Kids: The Key Ingredients to Building an Engaging Educational App with Lindsey Hill & Rob Cullin

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Evanced Kids – Lindsey Hill

Evanced Kids – Lindsey Hill

Evanced Kids - Rob Cullin

Evanced Kids – Rob Cullin


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About the Episode

Are you building educational apps for kids? Well today’s guest was an award-winning teacher and she break downs the key ingredients to building an engaging and educational app that kids will love. Also, listen to how you can balance making an app challenging but engaging at the same time.

Lindsey Hill is the Lead for Reading Engagement Initiates at Evanced Solutions.

Rob Cullin is the President and Co-Founder of Evanced Solutions.

Show Notes

As of last week, Educational apps rank second in popularity in the App Store following the Games category. Along with the figures stating that parents download around 27 apps a year on average for their children, this is a testament that a lot of developers find this market as a booming one.

Our guests today may have seen this potential and, along with their passion in educating this generation and the next to come, are looking for way to facilitate learning in more effective ways. From Evanced Solutions, we have Rob Cullen, president and co-founder of the company, and Lindsey Hill, a former elementary school teacher and currently their lead for reading engagement innovations.Join us in this podcast as they both share:

  • A background on Evanced Solutions — from the company developing web applications for libraries twelve years ago to the acquisitions that happened after,
  • Their problem-based approach they use in their initiatives and other ingredients of an educational game,
  • A sneak peek on Wandu planet,a game soon to be launched which is based on interest-driven learning principles which works around kids’ keening interests,
  • The social components of an engaging game and the toy elements needed in educational apps,
  • The rationale behind the metaphors and the characters they chose and the role of kids in the design and the naming process, and
  • Hitting the right balance in making a challenging game. 

We may even stir your interest in their upcoming app as Rob and Lindsey gives us a rundown of the wonderful characters and how it was conceptualized for the development of our kids.  Tune in and sign up to be one of their beta users for your valued feedback!

Show Mentions

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