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Coming up is a crash course on driving downloads using Snapchat influencers. You will discover the secret sandwich ad format dramatically decreases cost-per-install, why gameplay videos actually decrease engagement and how the guest quickly built a funnel that resulted in $30,000 in revenue.

Timothy Armoo is the Co-Founder at Fanbytes.

Show Notes

The Secret Sandwich Ad Format

What happens in Snapchat ads is that they just show up in between your friends’ stories. Rather than doing this and have the ads randomly show up, they thought about having the ads inserted inside the influencers’ stories. The influencer would talk about the brand, then the video ad plays, followed by a call to action. This would also show that the people who would choose to engage in your ad are the people who are really interested in your product.

Why Gameplay Videos Decrease Engagement

It turns out that if you use gameplay in our app, you will end up with 39% less click through rates. This validates that people go to Snapchat to hang out with their friends and not to see a bunch of ads. So if you can tie this to something which will enable them to do that, you will end up getting high engagement.

Building a Funnel that Resulted in $30,000 Revenue

Timothy learned that the key to driving traffic is to build marketing funnels so he went on to read books and started implementing what he learned. After about six weeks ago, he was able to build their marketing funnel which got them about $30k in 6 days. This was basically just because he now understands how this system works and immersed himself on it. He shared that LinkedIn is a must so you have to have a strategy in this platform.

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– Fav app: Quora: (iTunes | Google Play)

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