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The Developer Toolkit for Kids Apps with Laurent Mascherpa

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Floop Technologies - Laurent Mascherpa

Floop Technologies – Laurent Mascherpa


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About the Episode

Are you building apps tailored for kids? Well today’s guest built the toolkit that makes it easy for you to create a parental gate, cross-promote your apps and much more. Also, listen to his framework for developing relationships with the big kids app publishers.

Laurent Mascherpa is Co-Founder at Floop Technologies.

Show Notes

About the AppStore Compliant Toolkit

The most used feature the team’s app is the parental gat and the idea of having this was conceived by Apple. It is a virtual gate to ensure that a kid does not go out of the app but if he really wants to, he can get his parents’ consent. The consent is usually a mathematical equation that a kid of 5 will not be able to answer and must ask someone older to answer for him. So Laurent advises any developer wanting to get into kid’s space, to know his user and how they behave. A developer must not confuse his very young user, yet at the same time be interesting for the parent user who may play with the kid.

Another feature of the app is cross-advertising and it allows developers to choose how they advertise apps. It allows developers to make available to users the options to either go the app store, or just click “more games” or click on a pop up when they are ready to download a new app.

His Framework for Developing Relationships with the Big Kids’ App Publishers

Laurent Mascherpa is one of the first guys who realized that kids on mobile will be inevitable and that  COPPA, the regulating  body to protect the privacy of minors online will be a major headache for developers hoping to break into the apps-for-kids-market. He shared his observation to people and he got introduced to the right people and businessmen who knew he was absolutely right and wanted in.  He calls it the entrepreneurship approach , being ahead of the trend, being able to predict where the trend is going, seeing the shift ahead of others and presenting your idea to the right people.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to build a mobile app?

Don’t be afraid to take the plunge to go independent.  The worst that can happen is that you go back to your old job.

Show Mentions

Fav app: Tap Titans: (iTunes | Google Play)

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