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387: How to Interview Your Customers with Lance Jones

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Flow - Lance Jones

Flow – Lance Jones


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About the Episode

You know how people always say talk to your customers well frankly I have no idea what I’d ask them. That’s why I brought on today’s guest to talk about the questions that he likes to ask and how he uses that data. Also, listen to the part of the show where he shares how to use Amazon reviews to come up with the right words for your marketing copy.

Lance Jones is Chief Marketing Officer at Flow.

Show Notes

Key Questions to Ask from Customers and Using the Data Effectively:

Lance Jones has come up with an analogy for the selection of a product. The product is an employee hired specifically for a certain job. If the employee cannot do the job, he gets fired. Before the initial interview, the employer endeavors to filter the likely candidates by checking out resumes. Then further whittling down is done during the interview. Finally, a candidate is chosen. Depending on his performance, he either gets retained or fired. Thus, on sign on, the developer must be able to understand the mindset of the users and the decision that led them to choose your product above all others.  Lance suggests the following questions:

  • Probe for the cause of the hunt for a new product.
  • Make sure to ask users if they have used a competing product in the past and if yes, what caused them to use your product.
  • Ask if they created a list of the products in the same space before deciding on your product and make sure they identify what was it about your product that made them choose it

How to Use Amazon Reviews To Find The Right Words for Your Marketing Copy

Users have an amazing capability of hitting the issue spot on. Feedback in Net Promoter scores are no exemption. The 9’s and 10’s of users have feedback that is invaluable to finding the right words to bring home the message. The keywords to market a product have all been said by the users. Their feedback is the proof of the pudding, so to speak. A developer, sensitive to his users’ concerns will find that the descriptive creativity only users can be capable of, make great marketing copy. Real language from real customers is the best way to connect with all customers.

Stretching or broadening the NPS idea as a source of great words for great marketing, a developer can even use Amazon reviews also. If the app actually have some people writing books about it, read the reviews in Amazon and any developer can have the pick of some great marketing phrases for his app.

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