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FunnyBizz - David Nihill

FunnyBizz – David Nihill


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About the Episode

Today’s guest was absolutely terrified of public speaking. To overcome his fear he did a years intensive experiments in stand up comedy and storytelling which became the bestselling book, Do You Talk Funny. He also founded a company that helps companies connect with customers through funnier messaging and content. He reveals the two key ways you can make your next speech funnier and more memorable. Also, listen is the little hacks that will dramatically improve your next talk.

David Nihill is the founder at FunnyBizz

Show Notes

Making Your Presentations Funnier

If you deliver opinion to an audience, the tendency of people is to argue with your opinion as everybody will hold their own, and so you lose some audience right away. A good comedian will take stories from your own life and deliver them as stories. Use stories from books you really like or stories that you are already comfortable with such as those you would tell during family gatherings. Write these down, identify the funny parts and get to that part as quickly as you can. A good rule of thumb for comedians is three lines without anything funny is too much. You might have to cut out everything expect the introduction and always find ways to link your stories to your various business presentation topics. So consciously start with making a list of stories, they don’t have to be crazy as the ones which work best are those which the listeners can relate to and those which are seemingly very mundane topic.

Improving Your Talk by Remembering Them All

Your mind learns in images so you have to create an image for every punch line or every key topic area to be able to remember them. A practice you can try out is memory palace where you takea floor plan layout of your apartment or somewhere you are very familiar with and in your mind, create an image to every punch line and create sequential pathswhere you would arrange them as you would deliver them. When these memories interact with each room within your mind, you will never forget them and coming up blank onstage will become a thing of the past. When you are stuck, just ask, where in the part of the house am I?

It would also help to have a picture of your house with little keywords posted in every room and go through it the day before your presentation.

Show Mentions

Do You Talk Funny?

Become a Better and Funnier Speaker Udemy Course

– Fav app: iKiteSurf: (iTunes | Google Play)

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