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372: Mafia Wars Founder on The Mechanics of an Addicting Game with Roger Dickey

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Gigster - Roger Dickey

Gigster – Roger Dickey


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About the Episode

Coming up I have the founder of Mafia Wars to talk about the mechanics that you need to have to create a winning and addicting game. Also, listen to the part of the show where he shares how to choose what you should be working on by thinking like an investor.

Roger Dickey is the Founder and CEO of Gigster.

Show Notes

Mechanics for Creating a Winning and Addicting Game:

Core Loop – the activity that the user goes back and does everyday. Make the game with little complexity as you can so that it makes users feel smart and that he is onto something that maybe other users do not know. Fun Cycle is another term for Core Loop.

Scarcity- without the stop that scarcity provides, a user will continue to play and play until boredom sets in. Thus, scarcity is an element in a game that can make a player come back again and again.

How to Think Like an Investor

Take a step back and look at what is happening. Understand investing. Talk to investors and ask them their ideas about what is trending. An excellent example is how Apple is featuring casual games today. Apple is probably the most credible trendsetter in the digital world having developed an entire lifestyle through its products. If Apple is featuring casual games, there is a good chance that it will find a way to make casual games the latest craze. So if you are going to develop a casual game app, the time is now.

Show Mentions

– Fav app: Slack: (iTunes | Google Play)

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