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We made it! Episode 500 is finally here. I want to say thank you so much for tuning in to the podcast. I really appreciate you. For the 500th episode I actually wanted to bring my wife on the podcast, but we couldn’t make the times work so she will be on another episode, but for the 500th episode I thought it was fitting to play this particular recording. This is a talk I gave at Tradecraft about the importance of building and scaling relationships. I share my journey and how you can do exactly what I have done and build any business you’d like.

Steve P. Young is an awesome dude.

Show Notes

How To Build Any Business You Like 

Everyone dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and being their own boss. We know it’s not easy, and that’s why not everyone becomes successful at it. However, when you listen to someone who had the courage to get started on the road to entrepreneurship, then it can inspire you to take a leap of faith and just do it.

Steve P. Young, A Fully Recovered ‘Wantrepreneur’

Who is Steve P. Young? Why does he rock? And what is a ‘Wantrepreneur’? Listen to the full podcast!


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