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Critical Mistakes Beginning Game Developers Make with Waqas Khan

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Half Fried Games - Waqas Khan

Half Fried Games – Waqas Khan


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About the Episode

Are you like me and have the itch to develop a mobile game? Well today’s guest shares a few mistakes that most beginning game developers make so you can avoid them. Also, listen to the story of how he almost ran out of money and the tactics and the mindset shift that got him out of it.

Waqas Khan is founder at Half Fried Games.

Show Notes

Mistakes Beginners Should Want Out For

Waqas shares his observation that one of the most common mistakesmost beginners make when creating a game is failing to recognize that users need a pattern. There must be a certain consistency in the behavior of the characters so that the users can react accordingly.If the character behaves too randomly, the user will not understand and will end up closing the app.

Beginners also normally have a backup plan. Plan B is good but it will end up robbing Plan A of the needed commitment that you should be giving it. Thus, he discourages people in having a backup plan because even if you only have one, when you are motivated and committed, you will deliver.

When At First You Don’t Succeed..

Waqas had the unfortunate experience of having a client who ran away with the first milestones of their project without paying him and this was when he was driven to work for himself. He ended up broke but hepersevered and kept a mindset of delivering whatever he commits to. He concluded that FB games were too huge to finance and to market and thereby concentrated on mobile apps with the belief that even small indie games can hit it big. His strategy was to secure a source code, to experiment, play with analytics and see how the changes work out. He also outsourcedgraphics, sounds and source code but did the marketing himself.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to build a mobile app?

Do your market research.  Most developers do not like the business side of developing a great app but market research is important if you want your app to be successful. Do not wait until the application is fully developed, put it in the app store as quickly as possible because not all will work at first but you’ll figure it out eventually.

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