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Want to know how app store reviews impact your keyword rankings? Well, I’m going to show you a really cool case study where I went from 128 into the top 10 for a keyword in a matter of just 1 day. Stay tune.

App Store reviews can help boost your ranking. In fact, by using an ASO trick to optimize keywords, I went from 128 to the top 10 in just a day.

This tactic also tripled my downloads. The downloads were not too high but prior to making the changes, I was averaging under 10 downloads and after that, the downloads went up to 30s and 40s.

However, please take note that the trick only works if you have hundreds of reviews in the App Store. We can all do the same tricks and optimize our app name and subtitles for the keywords that we want, but what makes the difference in our ranking are the reviews. This case study shows you the value of having tons of ratings.

Two years ago, I came up with a black hat ASO strategy where I put certain keywords in the reviews and we shot up in the rankings. We went from #32, then to #16, and finally to #4.  That’s no longer working now but the number of ratings is more important.

So use that iOS prompt to gain more reviews. You can learn all the tricks you need at App Masters Academy. Check it out now!

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