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How to Whittle Down Your Features with Mubashar Iqbal

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MadGlory Interactive - Mubashar Iqbal

MadGlory Interactive – Mubashar Iqbal


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About the Episode

Today’s guest is one of the top makers on Product Hunt and he talks about how he’s able to launch so many different products while still being the CTO at a company. Also, listen to the part of the show where he shares how to whittle down your features so you can finally get out of your own way and launch your product.

Mubashar Iqbal is CTO at MadGlory Interactive.

Show Notes

Successfully Multitasking as CTO and as Developer of Several Products

Mubs firmly believes that as CTO it is his job to evaluate technology and to keep an open mind. He cannot just stay there and continue to use the same technology over and over. So his side projects are actually a means of testing new technologies out there. Manuals about new technology are good but Mubs’ side projects keeps him firmly hands on concerning every aspect of new technology. The side projects allow him to test and actually use the new technology. In a way, Mubs has successfully married his job as CTO with his side projects.

How to Whittle Down Features and Move on to Launching the Product

  1. Prioritize features – The developer has to put himself in the shoes of the user and figure out what the user will most likely do multiple times. This isthe feature the developer focuses on and gets working as soon as possible.
  2. Discipline in choosing features – how does a developer decide that a feature must be a part of the MVP? For Mubs, this is where experience comes in and really putting oneself in the user’s shoes. The developer must have the mentality to get the product in the market as soon as possible so he must understand what the normal usage will be.
  3. Put a time limit on how long the app is conceived, developed and launched–The ideal time limit is two weeks for a side project. This way, the developer has little time to think of more features and is forced to focus on the core experience instead.

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Mub’s Products on Product Hunts

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