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404: How Pooductive got massive press with Marco Hernandez

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Pooductive - Marco Hernandez

Pooductive – Marco Hernandez


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About the Episode

You will hear from an entrepreneur who booked a one way ticket to San Francisco from Munich and how he cleverly set up in-person meetings with a few notable professors. Also, listen to the part of the show where he reveals the clever hacks he used to get massive press for their current project.

Marco Hernandez is the Head of Innovation and Marketing at Pooductive.

Show Notes

Clever Ways of Setting Up Meetings

When he arrived in San Francisco, Marco and his co-founderGoogled some Stanford professors and simply walked up to the university and say flat out that they have a meeting with that person. They’d make up a story which will then get them the meeting. Some people loved their idea and they ended up with legit meetings with great people after that!

CleverHacks to Get Massive Press

Pooductive had gained massive press Marco shares that their approach included running an SWT (strengths, weaknesses and trends) research and analysis to arrive with the conclusion that disruptive apps were the ones that were making major headlines. Their initial virality wasn’t actually planned but one of their lead developers turned the app live and a popular person bumped into it, tweeted it and immediately, people started noticing it. That’s when they pushed it and contacted folks. Within 24 hours, The Guardian, Mashable, Daily Mail, Huffington Post, Comedy Central..all these major players wrote about them. People just fed off each other’s news sources and made a story a success.

They know these publications get thousands of emails a day so their clever hack included sending one-liner anonymous tips as if coming from readers. This presented their idea as if it was coming from the people. Another method they did was researching people who work for the magazines, target individual journalists and send their pitches them via LinkedIn.

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