Today’s guest is an indie developer who went from reskins to learning how to code to building his own custom apps. You will discover how to easily get feedback from your users, Udemy courses to help you learn how to code, and using ASO and SEO to drive downloads and PR for your app.
Romain Derrien is the Chief Executive Officer at Ubicolor and creator of the Morning Routine app.
Show Notes
Getting User Feedback Easily
The first step in getting feedback from your users is ensuring that there is a button in your app which they can use to send their thoughts. A mail-to link built into iOS which opens up to a form with a pre-built ‘To’ field, Title, Subject will do. Starting a message in the body of the email for them to easily compose their thoughts is recommended as well. Also, place a review prompt in your app for people to have an access to this link to the App Store, without leaving your app. You need to make it easy for them to give you a feedback or a review.
ASO and SEO for Downloads and PR
Romain’s app, Morning Routine, has been featured in big publications such as Mashable and he shares that there is no magic recipe but when you take a look at Google search results upon typing the words, his app will be listed among the top 5. He feels that this helped attract the attention of journalists. In coming up with his app name, he also checked out Sensor Tower and AppTweak to see what people are looking for. He started with ‘Morning Rituals’ because there were no completion but switched to ‘Morning Routine’ as the latter was trending.
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