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447: How to get traction in emerging markets with Saju Abraham

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Yo! - Saju Abraham

Yo! – Saju Abraham


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About the Episode

Are you trying to target emerging markets such as Latin America and parts of Asia. Well today’s guest talks about marketing strategies that have worked for them to get phenomenal traction in these countries. Hint it’s not just Facebook. Also, listen to the part of the show where we talk about emotional intelligence and why it can matter more than IQ.

Saju Abraham is Chief Product Officer at Left, creators of Yo!.

Show Notes

Strategies to Phenomenal Traction in Other Countries

When you are thinking about apps and services for other emerging markets, it requires an understanding and appreciation of how people live there and what their pain points are to come up with relevant services. To gain this, the best way is to travel to immerse yourself and experience their issues first hand but this is not the only way. You can also reach out and talk to people, do your research, or have a person in your staff who is well-versed with the culture and has an in depth understanding of your target market.

Emotional Intelligence and Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

There are two essential things needed for a team to work together, one is IQ (which includes the skills required to do the job) and EQ. But having certain skill sets will not take you to the next level and this is where Emotional Intelligence comes in. In the startup world, the tides dramatic change so you are living in a life with extreme uncertainties.  One of the foundations of EQ is self-awareness and this entails understanding yourself. You have the knowledge to know your emotions; your opportunities and strengths to take your team to the next level; and how you can contribute to the team effectively.

Show Mentions

Daniel Goleman on Emotional Intelligence


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