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In a previous video, I shared with you that the number one mistake that developers make for an Apple feature is design. An app icon is very critical to your app’s success. A client who we helped design an app icon for increased his downloads by 19% through a mere icon change and nothing else. So today, I am going to walk you through on how to do this on Google Play.

  • For the Google App Console, click into the app that you want to A/B test.
  • Click Store presence then Store listing experiments.
  • Choose your experiment type, whether you want to do it globally or locally. If you choose global, you will only be able to test graphics but for local, you can test both graphics and text. The latter will enable you to test the icon with the app description to see which one will perform better. In this example, we will only graphics, so let’s choose global.
  • Name your experiment and select the attributes you would like to change. This can be screenshots, promo video, feature graphic or hi-res icons.
  • After that, upload the new version of your icon and just click ‘Run Experiment’.
  • You will be presented with a graph showing stats of the current version of your icon and the new that you are testing. Should you want to keep the new icon, you can just click ‘Apply’.

A/B test your app icon and then your screenshots and let me know how it goes!

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