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Today’s guest is a former professional tennis player and software founder and now he’s a micro-influencer. You will discover how he became an influencer, his 4-step process for finding the right influencer to promote your app and finally, what to say to these influencers to make sure they are worthy of promoting your product.

NG Gordon is the Speaker, Influencer Marketing at DearMishuDad.

Show Notes

How to Find the Right Influencer To Promote Your App in 4 Steps

Here are four easy steps to look for the right influencer to promote your app:

Step 1: Find the hashtag that best relates to your app. You can start with very general hashtags and slowly filter it down. For example, on Instagram, if you are doing fitness, you can search about “#fitness.” With 105 million searches, this is not neat enough, so do the next step.

Step 2: Choose related hashtags. These are sub-hashtags or sub-topics, so you choose one from that for example “#fitnessmotivation.” This hashtag has 52 million, that is still too much so keep drilling down until you find less than half a million because by definition that is considered niche. Keep going until you find a very very relevant hashtag related to fitness.

Step 3: Look for the top influencers. Once you find the hashtag for your app, look for the top influencers on that niche. For this, you will see the word “top” with the names of the influencers who are dominating that search terms. As for the number of followers, you can start with nano influencers or those who have at least 50 t0 99 followers.

Step 4: Waiting period. Don’t hire them immediately. You need to have the patience to be sure that those are the influencers that you want to hire and those that you want to trust with what you do. Follow them, check their style, their attitude and how they connect to their followers to see if they are likable.

Also, check the content and pictures of their post. Try your best to verify if they have fake followers or not. Overall, use your instinct to see if the influencer is appropriate for your brand.

What to Say to Influencers to Make Sure They Are Worthy

Treat influencers as professionals. Don’t just re-share their posts in hope of getting their attention because they receive hundreds of emails daily from those who are also trying to reach out to them.

Also, don’t exchange your product for their service because they need money.  It takes them days to create one post and many months to years to build their following and communities. Instead, send them a short direct message on social media, such as the one on Instagram, and let them know that you want to hire them.

Here’s a template:

Hi Johnny, I would like to pay you for the endorsement of my app [name of the app]. Is that okay? What is your fee?

After the initial contact, if you like what you are seeing on their page, that’s the time to ask more questions to make sure what you are getting.

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Influencer Marketing MASTERY Course 
– Fav app: Microsoft To-Do: (iTunes | Google Play)

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