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This podcast interview was originally published on Breaking the Borders on December 11, 2015

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Steve Young was born in Burma (Myanmar) and moved to CA when he was 6 years old.  Steve has always related to the immigrant mindset. He grew up in a house that had 4 different families living in the same household. Each family had one bedroom. It was a fun way to grow up, and he really never even realized that they didn’t have enough money to afford their own home. This has created the fire in his belly that motivates him today. Steve learned to code and built an app. He then started a podcast about marketing your apps. More and more people came to him for help, and he continued to offer his service. Today he runs an app PR firm called Runway. He has an exciting story, and well as some great tips.

You will learn the following in this interview:

  • How Steve got into the app space
  • The first assignment Steve had in marketing
  • One thing that Steve feels like they do really well right now
  • What happened that caused him to have 100K downloads in one weekend
  • Success strategies for PR for our app
  • When you should start creating a buzz
  • How to test and track your emails
  • The optimal day and time to launch an app
  • The best day of the week to send someone an email
  • How to get press for your app
  • The email template that Steve uses to get press

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