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Are you trying to build an app all on your own? Listen to why having someone else who is equally invested is vital to app store success. Also listen to the clever way today’s guest is monetizing his game. He’s embarrassed by it, but I think it’s brillant.
Baruch Richter is the creator of Find a Way, José!
About Find a Way, Jose
Find a Way José is the new puzzler on the block. This refreshing sliding-block game combines high-fidelity graphics and sounds with addictive puzzle solving madness to create a one of a kind brain-teasing extravaganza.
The gameplay is extremely easy to pick up: slide away irregularly shaped blocks in all 4 directions and guide José to his long-lost potion. Some obstacles are non-movable, and many levels have strange and surprising boundaries which make this game a unique experience. On his exciting journey, José will explore 6 exotic worlds and solve 100 mind-provoking riddles.
So put your clever hat on, and set up your brain for turbo-mode. You’ll have to be very resourceful and extremely cunning in order to overcome this puzzle game. (iTunes)
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