I want to talk about the importance of pre-launch or soft launch for your app in this episode as too many times, we feel that we have things figured out and neglect this importance phase. While your idea may be awesome, your app beautiful, your icons stunning – you still do not know how people will interact with your app. It is essential that you test every single thing before you launch it to the rest of the world as things do not immediately go from idea to victory.
The key take away today is walking the user through the entire journey. An example can go like this:
User is having trouble sleeping >> goes to the App Store >> searches for a sleeping app>> finds app and downloads it >> literally hand your phone over for the user to test.
I have client who thought they everything is perfectly lined up but when they did a soft launch, found bunch of things to modify after learning about the users’ feedback. This added more time for development but in the long run, helped the app when it was time to get it out to more people.