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App Radar is changing how App Store Optimization is done. The tool helps developers get their apps and mobile games discovered in the app stores and manages your entire ASO workflow through one simple interface. Not only that, once your ASO is fixed, App Radar will also help you set up optimized Apple Search Ads to help you scale up your User Acquisition results.

Industry-leading companies like Kolibri Games, Tivola Games, NerByte & iTranslate rely on their platform and expertise to drive organic installs from app stores, to their apps and games.

To preview the tool, you can start a free trial here.


Coming up is a recording from our last virtual summit where you will discover what’s working in mobile advertising today including why short form video content is crushing it, how to make playable ads work for you and the potential of Messenger ads.

Shamanth Rao is CEO at RocketShip HQ and the host of the How Things Grow podcast.

Show Notes

The Trend in Mobile Advertising Today

Lately, there is an increasing shift to short form videos, three to four seconds long — no more than that. In experimenting with Snapchat, which has a limit of no more than 10 seconds, we saw how far we could push the envelope and realized that a three to four second video with one key message and one call to action is enough. That level of simplicity works.

Making Playable Ads Work For You

Playable ads is an incredibly powerful format and they have become increasingly accessible over the last couple of years. There is no publicly accessible tool where you can make a playable ad at this point, but you could now work with an agency and get a playable ad made for a small budget.

Playable ads can outperform normal video ads as users tend to go through the whole thing and it’s very interactive for them. Run them on Facebook and Google as tremendous performance have been seen on both platforms.

The Potential of Messenger Ads

We have seen both standout results and terrible results for this platform so and it has more to do with the fact that Messenger is still in its infancy as a medium. It also means it’s totally not saturated, which is why it is something that I strongly encourage everyone to explore it.

The crucial thing in Messenger Ads is making sure that the language, the approach and the strategy is tailor fitted because it is a two-way medium.

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