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Slync: The Importance of Getting Real User Feedback with Peter Babiy & Surge Stefoglo

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Slync - Peter Babiy

Slync – Peter Babiy

Slync – Surge Stefoglo

Slync – Surge Stefoglo


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About the Episode

Are you building your app without ever getting real user feedback? Well listen to how today’s guest hit the malls to talk to his target audience to receive feedback and also retain them as beta users. Plus, listen to the tip that the guest gives at the end of the interview. I think it’s a great reminder for us all who communicate so much online.

Peter Babiy and Surge Stefoglo are master minds behind Slync.

About Slync

Slync is a simple way to discover what others around you are buying. It includes photo, price, and location of where that item was purchased. Whether it’s a new pair of shoes, a gift idea, or something delicious – Slync helps you find it all near you.

Above all, we hope to inspire an expressive community where you can share your exciting local purchases with the people around you.


==Discover Mode: where you can browse items that have been recently bought at stores and restaurants closest to your location. You can choose to -browse all- or -search- for any particular item. Slync can even show you what’s trending at the store you’re in! The best part, you don’t even need to create an account.

Each post displays a photo of the item, the price it was purchased for, and the location with turn-by-turn directions. If you find something you like, double-tap the photo and send a -thank you- to the person who shared it.

==My Feed Mode: where you can view, set as -private- or share your own local purchases with others. Sharing your items is simple: 1. Snap it 2. Input price 3. Publish – we’ll take care of the rest.

With Slync, there are no friends, biographies or comments; instead, a simple way to receive a -thank you- from someone who loved what you shared.

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