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This podcast interview was originally published on The How of Business on June 26, 2017.

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Episode Description:

In this episode we interview Steve Young, an entrepreneur, podcaster and online marketing expert. Steve shares his personal background and entrepreneurial journey, tips & advice for starting and growing your business, and online marketing for small business.

Steve is a business owner, podcaster and online marketing expert. He is the founder of AppMasters, a mobile growth hacking agency. He is a contributor to as well as other top publications and is an app marketing expert. He also has a portfolio of over 50 apps.

He is the host of the Mobile Growth Hacking podcast. Steve believes in learning, executing, and teaching. He lives in the San Francisco Bay area.

Show Notes:

  • Steve share some of the challenges he experienced with starting his small business.
  • Steve explains how he funded his start-up.
  • “If you are doing a side-hustle you are not really an entrepreneur yet.” (you are a wanrepreneur)
  • He explains how he is using podcast appearances as a marketing method.
  • Steve shares his advice for Online Marketing for Small Business.
  • He shares the story of creating apps on the side, leading to the formation and growth of his business AppMasters.
  • “Focus on top-line sales.”

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