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Interview with YIX President, Jenny Diggles Part 1

Here’s a guest post by Clark Buckner from

The Interview was conducted by Clark Buckner from (they provide coverage content on sales gamification, employee engagement software, and gamification trends and much more). Also be sure to check out their Tech Conference Calendar.

Clark Buckner from TechnologyAdvice sat down with Jenny Diggles, President of YIX, the first mobile gif game.

Jenny explains the game and how it works, and the importance that they place on social interaction in the game.  Indeed, the game is entirely social as you cannot play it unless you are playing with other people.

She describes the game as being similar to the popular card games Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity, where players act as judge and select their favorite cards in response to a question or statement.  The game works much the same, except that in YIX players respond to the judge’s question or statement with an anonymous gif, and the judge picks his/her favorite one.

In addition to the game being played on mobile devices, the game can be streamed directly to a TV through Airplay, called Partyplay in the app.  Jenny mentioned as well, that they are quickly developing a way to stream without the need for Airplay.  This feature is important to the game, she feels, as it helps to further the social nature of the gameplay.

The game was founded and is being developed by six people – three couples to be exact.  Clark and Jenny spend much of the second part of the interview talking about the dynamics of having three women and three men on the team, and the benefits of having a gender balance in the tech scene.

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